Current Issue (Volume 15, Issue 1, January-July 2021)

A Research Project on the Prevention of Myocardial Infarction
Ning Hsu

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The year 2010 saw the release of the Future of Nursing Report by IOM, a report that encouraged nurse practitioners to exploit their full potential in relation to their training and education. In the report, the fifth recommendation entailed the plan and vision to double the number of nurses with doctorate degrees by 2020. It was also clarified that all FNP nurses ought to obtain research in future. Therefore, a personal pursuance of a research program and the selected project are projected to not only improve knowledge and skills from theoretical and practical perspectives but also aid in improving healthcare outcomes among populations in the context of America. In so doing, aspects such as patient satisfaction will aid in saving America’s budget extended to the national, state, and local-level health care providers ─ due to the presence of a healthy population. Furthermore, the adoption and implementation of the project seeking to prevent myocardial infarction is projected to improve the American economy in future due to the resultant avoidance of health-related adversities such as absenteeism and presenteeism in the workplace. It is also predicted that the successful completion of a research program and the selected project will enable me to incorporate evidence-based practice into care provision processes while seeking to assure targeted health care. Indeed, the project regarding myocardial infarction was implemented by enhancing educational campaigns at the community levels (such as the underserved areas) while striving towards equity in resource provision and access to care in relation to some of the strategies that could aid in preventing myocardial infarction.

Keywords: Myocardial, Infarction etc.

Chest X-Ray, Cardiac Catheterization, and Pulse Oximetry Application in Medical Interventions
Callisto Ricci

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Also perceived to be a painless procedure, chest X-ray creates pictures that depict the chest’s structure while seeking to understand the functioning of lungs and the heart. The test aids in understanding whether the lungs have extra fluid or extra blood flow or whether the heart is enlarged; an outcome that could depict heart failure. If the right ventricle is enlarged, chest X-rays reveal boot-shaped hearts. Regarding the approach of pulse oximetry, small; sensors are attached to the toes or fingers (like adhesive bandages) to provide estimated outcomes regarding the amount of oxygen present in the blood. In this procedure, flexible and thin tubes (referred to as catheters) are placed into veins of the arm, neck, or groin (upper thigh) and threaded top the heart. A special dye is then injected into one of the heart chambers or a blood vessel to allow doctors assess the flow of blood through blood vessels and the heart on X-ray images. Cardiac catheterization is also used by doctors to measure oxygen and pressure levels inside the blood vessels and heart chambers to determine the possibility of blood mixing between two sides of the heart (Al Habib et al., 2010). Notably, the injection of dye into a blood vessel or the heart chambers aids in making the heart structures of the baby visible on X-ray pictures.

Keywords: Chest X-Ray, Cardiac, Catheterization, Pulse Oximetry etc.

An Analysis of Tetralogy of Fallot and Implications for Bio-Medical Interventions
Miguel Alves Fernandes

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Occurring as a congenital heart defect, Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) has been documented to be present at birth. Some of the symptoms of this defect include bluish color occurring on the skin, difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness (occasionally), and limpness. Additional symptoms include easy tiring upon breastfeeding, finger clubbing, and heart murmur. Whereas the cause of this condition remains unknown, risk factors have been documented. The factors include mothers who use alcohol, diabetic mothers, mothers aged 40 and above, and those who are diagnosed with rubella during pregnancy. Behavioral problems have also been found to be profound in situations where children have undergone complex surgery or had repeat surgeries. Increased anxiety and feelings of inferiority forms outcomes associated with ToF and in educational contexts, these groups have been linked to aggressive behavior, delinquent behavior, attention problems, and social problems. Overall, ToF can be inferred to yield greater behavioral disturbance in children.

Keywords: Tetralogy, Fallot and Implications, Bio-Medical etc.

Angina Disease Analysis
Sean Trundle

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The patient is male and aged 57. Presentations include relief when sitting upright and difficulty in breathing when lying by the back. Additional presentations include occasional epigastric pain, frequent dyspepsia with nausea, fatigue, and, upon exertion, gradual onset of dyspnea. The patient’s presentations entail: R: 20, T: 98, P: 88, and BP: 180/110.

Keywords: Angina, Domino and Baldor etc.

A Case Analysis of Drug Implications in Hypertension’s Na-K-ATPase Inhibition
Mohamed Lindberg

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In the case presented, Davis experiences high-value international normalized ratio (INR), positive bruising on legs and arms, nose bleeding tendencies, atrial fibrillation, and high blood pressure. Additional evidence suggests drug interactions that include digoxin with pseudoephedrine, warfarin and cimetidine. Therefore, the first action would be to control high blood pressure and proceed to reduce high-level INR. Similarly, there is a need to replace cimetidine with alternative medication. Indeed, the replacement aids in relieving a patient’s heartburn. Another mechanism would be to aide Davis with the complaints regarding the cough and a runny noise.

Keywords: Drug Implications, Hypertension etc.